Mickey Jim

Fun with PHP/HTML/CSS/JQuery


About me... I have been programming since 1980. A friend of mine and I taught ourselves 'BASIC' on his Atari 400 (with membrane keyboard). The first computer owned by my family was a Commodore 64.
In 1994 I started my Computer Science degree, and soon afterwards bought my very own computer; an IBM (clone) 486dx2-66 with 8Mb of RAM and a 420Mb Hard Drive.
Since being employed, I have spent most of my time programming internet applications. I have worked with Active Server Pages (ASP), Cold Fusion (when it was still owned by Allaire), and PHP. Most of my time now is devoted to PHP, Javascript/JQuery, and CSS.
My current work at BYU is focused on the Drupal CMS and module development.

I am a programmer at heart. I think computers are great for what I can get them to do - rather than what they can get me to do. I have never been much of a computer game player.
Below are some things I have tinkered with in my spare time... I went through some of the FreeCodeCamp challenges, replicated some old computer games in Javascript, and tried some things that interested me.


Interesting Projects


Contact Me

You shoud not contact me; I didn't get into Computer Science to talk to people.

But you should definitely look into these folks